Weights and dimension

Maximum permitted weights and dimension, goods transport
Height   4,00m
towing vehicle with semi-trailer   4.08m
Motor vehicle/trailer   2,55m
Refrigerated vehicle (minimum thickness of walls - 45mm)   2,60m
Motor vehicle 12,00m
Trailer 12,00m
Articulated vehicle 16,50m
Articulated vehicle + trailer 22,00m
Road train  
- motor vehicle + trailer 18,75m
- motor vehicle + 2 trailers
Weight per axle  
single axle 10,00t
drive axle 11,50t
tandem axle of motor vehicle, with a distance between the axles of  
- less than 1,0 m 11,50t
- 1,0 m to less than 1,3 m 16,00t
- 1,3 m to less than 1,8 m 18,00t
- 1,3 m to less than 1,8 m, if the drive axle is fitted with twin tyres and air suspension or equivalent, or if the drive axle is fitted with twin tyres and the maximum weight of each axle does not exceed 9,5 t 19,00t
tandem axle of trailer or semi-trailer, with a distance between axles of  
- less than 1,0 m 11,00t
- 1,0 m to less than 1,3 m 16,00t
- 1,3 m to less than 1,8 m 18,00t
tridem axle of trailer or semi-trailer, with a distance between the axles of  
- to 1,0 m (inclusive) 21,00t
- over 1,3 m to 1,4 m (inclusive) 24,00t
- over 1,4 m to 1,8 m (inclusive) 27,00t
Maximum permitted weight  
- with 2 axles 18,00t
- with 3 axles 25,00t
- with 3 axles, and the drive axle is fitted with twin tyres and air suspension  
or equivalent, or if each drive axle is fitted with twin tyres and the maximum  
weight per axle does not exceed 9,5 t 26,00t
- with 4 axles or more 32,00t
- with 2 axles 18,00t
- with 3 axles 24,00t
- with 4 axles or more 32,00t
Articulated vehicle 48,00t *

* this is the maximum authorised weight for a tractor + semi-trailer combination; however, the individual elements must not exceed the maximum authorised weight for a single motor vehicle or semi-trailer. The maximum permitted weight for a semi-trailer depends on its configuration
(number of axles and distance between the axles) and is based on the weight per tandem or tridem axle.

Transportation of large and oversized loads

If a vehicle or a truck/trailer unit exceeds the maximum limits specified in a special regulation a transportation permit is required, which is subject to a fee based on the Act on Administrative Fees and the fee must be paid prior to the issuance of the permit. The request for permit must be submitted via the public portal IS NADR.

- EU carriers without temporary residence or a bank account in the Czech Republic can sign up IS NADR via International ID Gateway (IIG).

- For nonEU carriers without temporary residence or a bank account in the Czech Republic it is not possible to sign up IS NADR and the request for permit must be applied through an entity in the Czech Republic.

Maximum permitted weights and dimensions, passenger transport
Height   4,00m
Width   2,55m
Coach with 2 axles 13,50m
Coach with 3 axles or more 15,00m
Coach + trailer 18,75m
Articulated bus  
- with 2 sections 18,75m
- with 3 sections 22,00m
Weight per axle  
single axle 10,00t
drive axle 11,50t
tandem axle, with a distance between the axles of  
- less than 1,0 m 11,50t
- 1,0 m to less than 1,3 m 16,00t
- 1,3 m to less than 1,8 m 18,00t
- 1,3 m to less than 1,8 m, and the drive axle is fitted with twin tyres and air  
suspension or equivalent, or if each drive axle is fitted with twin tyres and  
the maximum weight per axle does not exceed 9,5 t 19,00t
Maximum permitted weight  
Coach with 2 axles 18,00t
Coach category M3 with 2 axles 19,50t
Coach with 3 axles 25,00t
Coach with 3 axles, if the drive axle is fitted with twin tyres and air suspension or equivalent, or if each drive axle is fitted with twin tyres and the maximum weight per axle does not exceed 9,5 t 26,00t
Coach with 4 or more axles 32,00t
Articulated bus  
- with 2 sections 28,00t
- with 3 sections
